Backyard Naturalist

BN - CCoogan copyAs a lifelong amateur naturalist, I’ve filled many journals with sketches, observations and research notes, in my quest to better understand and enjoy the amazing array
of wildlife, flora, habitat and phenomena that I encounter everywhere everyday.

I began writing and illustrating the “Backyard Naturalist” column for the
Times Union newspaper in July 2006, in hopes that it would inspire a broad range
of the population to also observe, enjoy and share my interest in the natural world.

Compilation books of the column are available for purchase. Some sample
pages are displayed below.

Vol I MockingbirdP4

Vol I Pileated Woodpecker

Vol I Wooly Bear

Vol I Wild Turkey

Vol I Muskrat

Vol I Fossils

Vol I Pigeons

Vol I Evergreens

Here are a few sample page spreads from Volume II.

Vol II Gray Squirrel

Vol II KatydidGrasshopperCricket

Vol II Tadpoles

Here are a sample page spread from Volume III.

Vol III Rooster